Monday, January 24, 2011

Fashion - Is it who you are?

I was having a conversation with my 12 year old son the other day as we walked through the mall, and just had purchased a great pair of some off the wall Adias shoes for him. He said, "Mom why does everything have to be about fashion? He said " You know people would kill for fashion, people would steal for fashion." Is fashion who we are? Is having the latest coolest brand name what we are about?
Is fashion our claim to fame in life?  Fashion is pretty much who we are on the outside. How we dress is in a sense how we feel that day. I know when I put on a hot, beautiful fitted dress and with the right pumps I feel like the movie star Mimi. When I put on my jeans and a tee shirt with my boots and go outside to hang out with the horses I feel like the cowgirl Mimi. If a piece of wardrobe makes you feel sassy or like a hunk by all means wear it and wear it with pride. So yes wardrobe is a big part of us all but, it's not who we are inside. Make a statement with your wardrobe but make a bigger statement about who you are on the inside.

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