Monday, February 28, 2011

Growing up - Keep being your best!

Growing up I had a pretty shitty childhood, Getting out of my house at the age of 16 years old and having my own life and my own apartment, makes a person grow up really fast. Looking back and remembering how my parents were divorced at the age of 5 and my mom not caring about anything or anyone except herself was also hard to cope.. But if you raise yourself like I did and care about who you are and what you're going to become you can get your thought process going in the right direction. Instead of always blaming your f***ed up childhood for how your life is going ... Get out  and move on.  Don't stay stuck in your depressed state of mind because you weren't loved as a kid. Just move on and love yourself, And there is no need to seek other's for the love you are trying to find inside. Just reach in and pull out all your beautiful love you have for yourself.  If I didn't do that for myself - trust me I would be under the ground right now.  I reached in deep and found me ... Mimi.
 I found myself when I was a kid because I had to.  When there is no one to reach out and touch your hand and bring you to safety, grab your heart and hold on to it tight  - bring love into your heart by helping someone out and showing them love - it helps and heals. When having your own family don't follow the path that you were led down, make a new for you and yours.
Love to all who reads this, Mimi

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fashion - Is it who you are?

I was having a conversation with my 12 year old son the other day as we walked through the mall, and just had purchased a great pair of some off the wall Adias shoes for him. He said, "Mom why does everything have to be about fashion? He said " You know people would kill for fashion, people would steal for fashion." Is fashion who we are? Is having the latest coolest brand name what we are about?
Is fashion our claim to fame in life?  Fashion is pretty much who we are on the outside. How we dress is in a sense how we feel that day. I know when I put on a hot, beautiful fitted dress and with the right pumps I feel like the movie star Mimi. When I put on my jeans and a tee shirt with my boots and go outside to hang out with the horses I feel like the cowgirl Mimi. If a piece of wardrobe makes you feel sassy or like a hunk by all means wear it and wear it with pride. So yes wardrobe is a big part of us all but, it's not who we are inside. Make a statement with your wardrobe but make a bigger statement about who you are on the inside.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"It got lonely in the business"

It got lonely on the road when I was fighting, and it's no different in the film business as for being lonely. Lots of people around but you still feel that empty feeling. You just want someone to talk to  - someone who can relate to what you've been through. That's why it's so important to have a good friend that you can call at anytime . Someone who won't get mad if you wake them up to talk, but you really have nothing to say. Those people are keeper's.  Love and Joy to you from Mimi

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Wonder if ...

I wonder if men are threaten by a strong women who knows what she wants and has her own life , her own career, her own hobbies , has her own business, knows how to get the job done, pays her own bills, is beautiful, she takes care of herself, well groomed, well traveled , raised her children on her own, not to mention has several very big titles under her belt.
I often wonder if a women cries in front of a man, does he think she is a women who is weak on the inside?   You know  - I feel as a strong woman, the need to break down and cry sometimes. Of course when that feeling comes which is not so often but when it does come I set a really hot bath , put some nice smelling bath salts in - and I love to just soak in the hot water with those tears that fall right into the bath with me... everything seems to be all better after a good hot soak and cry. All woman are strong beautiful creatures and we need to know that it's o.k to feel vulnerable sometimes and just be women.   Love and Respect to all. Mimi

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

“I want to start a new path for women to go down,”

1.   It’s very important for a woman who fights and trains her body to be strong and fit, that she stays feminine and vulnerable—but know in her heart she can kick some serious butt.  I want all you to know out there that you can be a kick ass woman and never be a victim.    Sincerely with all my Love and Respect . Mimi